State Highway 1 near State Highway 1

Haileyville, OklahomaFeb 16, 20061 Comments

Be careful here. Coming out of Hartshorne, OK on State Hwy 1, you begin to speed up thinking that you are leaving town (1 mile between towns). You immediately enter Haileyville city limits where the speed limit drops to 45, after you have been accelerating to 55 thinking that you are leaving town. A local truck going faster than I and immediately in front of me passed on by him. Probably didn’t help that my tags weren’t Pittsburg County tags. Haileyville is a town of about 800 to 900 people east of McAlester, OK.

If you will pay attention to the speed limit signs as you are leaving Hartshorne heading into Haileyville, they will tell you the speed limit is 45 from just past Lindleys Grocery, to just past the Gains Creek bridge, then increases to 55 upon leaving Haileyville city limits, to just past the Dow Baptist church, where it increases to 65. This area is not a speed trap, but if you continue to ignore the speed limit signs, you'll get ticketed every time.
#1Dec 07, 2010Report Abuse

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