state highway 281

Premont, TexasJul 31, 20021 Comments

about 30 miles south of alice there’s a little town called premont. For about a 2 mile stretch of highway through town there’s normally 1 or 2 cops patrolling the road. During school there’s about a half mile of school zone even though the school sits about 4 blocks of the highway. You can seldom drive through town and not see flashing lights.

This is still a speed trap. The chief got me! I got a $233 ticket for going 39 in a 40 zone. I thought the flashing yellow lights were alerting me to a stop ahead, not a school zone. No school was anywhere to be seen. I did not see the school zone sign that the chief said I was disobeying. Both a car and a truck were traveling the same speed as I was, but my out of state license was the target they must have been looking for. Watch out when you drive through this town!
#1Dec 17, 2009Report Abuse

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