State Highway 2/97 near School Street

Wenatchee, WashingtonFeb 15, 20081 Comments

The speed limit is drastically reduced from 60 MPH to 45 MPH several miles (3) from the city limits. As the traffic is coming off a rural 4-lane highway, the signage is inadequate to warn tourist/commercial traffic of the speed reduction. I have witnessed as many as three (3) WSP and Chelan County vehicles issuing tickets at one time. (Wenatchee – Chelan County)


I can possibly understand why someone would think this area is a speed trap simply by where the police car is situated. But, this highway is clearly marked by signage that the speed limit is changing from 60mph to 45mph. I drive it everyday and people most definitely have time to make the speed change! If I can do it, so can you!!! Maybe leave for work or other appointments a little earlier.
#1Sep 29, 2010Report Abuse

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