State Highway 35 near Dairy Queen

Osceola, WisconsinMar 03, 20080 Comments

Beware when travelling through Osceola, especially if you are not a WI resident. The Osceola PD likes to target non-residents. They enforce all speed limits and stops signs. As mentioned above, be very careful of the stop sign in front of the DQ. Very glad they placed it there, but it is heavily enforced. As mentioned in previous post as well, when coming into Osceola from the south, the speed limit does change from 55 to 25 like that, right at the top of the hill, Osceola’s finest love to catch people there, it is very hard not to speed, since the hill is very steep, pretty much requiring a person to ride thier brakes all the way down the hill to maintain the 25mph speed limit. Also, on the other end of town, still heading north on hwy 35, they changed the speed limit a while ago, it used to be 45 toward the end, now it is 35mph all the way until you are just paralell to the high school, then it jumps to 55. They watch this closely, and I cannot stress enough, they do target non-residents big time. There is a lot of MN traffic.


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