State Highway 45

Booneville, MississippiAug 25, 20030 Comments

This small town in North Mississippi is ruled by some of the most pathetic cops in the state, you are followed if you drive through after midnight, they run your tag just to check you out, and God help you if you have out of state tags, they even pull over people from outside their own county "Prentiss",, they feel like people out after dark are up to no good, and most times you can’t get in or out of town without going through a roadblock. if the sign says 35 mph you had better be doing 30 mph, but then they have "probable cause" to pull you ove to see why you are driving to slow…And the first question they will ask is do I smell alcohol/pot and search your car, my advise is to drive around Prentiss county all together if you can possibly help it….

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