State Highway 6 near FM 217

Valley Mills, TexasJan 30, 20082 Comments

This isn’t necessarily a trap, but it is something that you should watch. Driving South on Highway 6 just past Hwy 217 as you come up the hill into town (and you’re actually going East, driving into the sun which is a bogger in winter) be sure that you slow down to the posted speed limit. Sometimes it something that one overlooks, and you will be stopped if you get caught. Also watch very, very closely during school hours and abide by the limit because there is almost always a patrolman on duty just to the East of the elementary school. Also watch on the other side of town near the High School as they monitor that quite well, too.

That is why I never drive without my Escort Passport, best radar and laser detector I have ever used. Two donations towards these fund raisers will pay for the Escort, not to mention the additional insurance costs.
#1Sep 24, 2010Report Abuse
When I was City Manager there in 1977-78 this spot was highlighted on the Johnny Carson Show as a speed trap. Yes we set the radar there OFTEN to protect the school zone. But I would not call it a speed trap because (1) coming from Clifton there were ELEVEN (11) signs and flashing lights and school zone signs and even one over the highway giving notice of the reduced speed limit, (2) it is UPHILL into the speed zone and if you take you foot off the accelerator you will not be over the limit, and (3) we did NOT GIVE TICKETS UNLESS THE DRIVER WAS 15 MPH OVER THE LIMIT (I do not know their policy now.) That is NOT a speed trap. And also a year or so before I was there, there were two people killed in front of the school by the speeders. If you get caught speeding through a school zone where people have been killed, you should expect to pay for the experience.
#2Apr 03, 2011Report Abuse

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