State Highway 71 near State Route 71

Bastrop, TexasJan 16, 20071 Comments

I was traveling eastbound on Highway 71 in a fairly rural area. There were at least 4 patrol cars pulling cars as fast as they could. I saw the patrol car at least a quarter mile ahead of me on the shoulder of the road. I checked my speed and was shocked when he turned on his lights and pulled me as well as the vehicle in front of me. I was extremely disappointed he was less than honest in saying he had clocked me at 75 in a 65. His reasoning was that the car in front of me was 79 and I was following him. Since he had a rather curt attitude I limited my conversation. Be forewarned – this is a one horse town that thrives on revenue from Austin and Houston travelers, and I’ve heard from coworkers since telling my story they too have had some bad experiences along 71 and 290, often with stories of being pulled over for trumped up reasons other than speeding. My advice is to stay on I-10 unless absolutley necessary and then try to travel 15 mph below speed and do it in the daytime.

Same thing happened to me going Westbound from Houston to Austin. My Ka Band was going nuts for atleast a couple of miles. I was travelling the speed limit as I was passed by two cars on the left. After we got over the hill, the filth was waiting on the shoulder. He indiscrimiantly pulled me over and gave me "the other guys" ticket. I drive for my job so speeding is not an option for me. He got very aggrivated when he found out I was a CHL holder and decided to "check" my weapon by taking out of the glove box/holster and pointing right at my face. I simply don't go "home" to Austin anymore and resign myself to spending weekends in Houston to avoid false tickets.
#1May 02, 2011Report Abuse

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