State Highway 75A near 201st Street

Mounds, OklahomaOct 03, 20071 Comments

75A is the main street through Mounds, There is an overpass on the north end of town. There’s about a half mile stretch before the road drops over a hill. They sit at night off on the side of the road very hard to see them coming from either direction. They also sit in a park on 201st street and catch people coming into town from the east.

I am trying to understand the concept of a "speed trap". If one is speeding in Mounds or where ever one may be at the time and you are pulled over for the violation, what makes it a trap? I do understand that smaller departments perhaps work a lot of traffic patrols and my guess is that being a smaller community, they have more time on their hands while sitting idle and waiting to spring into action for some other serious offense. I agree that if one goes speeding through a smaller town, their odds on getting stopped is great Vs. speeding through a much bigger community. At any rate, I was directed to this site because the Mound's Police were apparently suppose to be "trapping" motorist for speeding. Well, this gives me no more understanding than I had. 75A is the main street through Mounds, it has an over pass, a half mile stretch, the cops sat off the side of the road, the don't announce their presence or give you any indicator to slow down, you can not see them from either direction and if you are speeding, they "trap" you (stop you) and write you a ticket. Oh yeah, and they sat in a park on 201st Street. So, the only thing I have discovered is ... don't speed and you won't end up in "their trap"! Nobody likes to be stopped and/or given a citation ... that I do agree!
#1Dec 11, 2011Report Abuse

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