State Highway 79

Elsebury, MissouriMay 08, 20062 Comments

I was pulled over immediately prior to the 35 m.p.h. speed limit sign entering the City of Elsberry southbound. The speed limit on Highway 79 (between several small towns) is 60 m.p.h. The speed limit drops to 30 or 35 as you approach these small towns. I was pulled over before the 35 m.p.h. speed limit sign as you enter Elsberry going south. Before entering Elsberry there is nothing but river road and bluffs. I was casually driving 52 m.p.h. thinking the speed limit was 60 m.p.h. Somewhere prior to the 35 m.p.h. sign and for no good reason, they had dropped the speed limit to 40 m.p.h. Neither of my two passengers saw this sign. There were no notices stating an upcoming reduction in the speed limit. I noticed (after receiving the ticket) as I drove past the 35 m.p.h. sign, there was another speed limit sign within a couple hundred feet dropping it to 30 m.p.h. As I drove out of town, there was another speed trap on the east side. The police car was hiding on a small dirt lane hidden by tall weeds and brush.

There are several speed limit signs on that road that gradually lower the speed limit from 60 to 30 through six different signs. As the poster noted, he blew by at least two "without noticing" He says that there was a 30 mph sign just a couple of hundred feet from the 35 mph sign. However, that 35 mph sign is the second 35 mph sign. At least the City is posting the speed limit signs often. This alone shows it is not a speed trap. It is apparent that the poster was simply not paying attention to road signs. He also says there was "no good reason" for lowering the speed limit. However, in that area, there are residential streets, retail shops with driveways, a preschool, and at the time of the post, an ambulance station. Just because you speed and get caught, doesn't mean its a speed trap.
#1Feb 07, 2011Report Abuse
I really could copy and paste the situation from above. It is really sad how they are doing this. I really could not believe the situation when an oncoming cop car pulled me over. More over his radar was wrong it added at least 4 miles to my speed. The speed limit is really slow for a town that has very little commerce and if they are giving as many tickets as I think they are the should have flashing radar. I would like the city to comment how many tickets are given a year, I am sure we would be appalled.
#2May 12, 2015Report Abuse

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