State Highway 9 near State Highway 9

Hope, IndianaJun 10, 20071 Comments

North and South of Hope. Bored Cops. They set in various places like parking lots, side of roads, gas stations, fields, and way out of view. If they can’t get you for speeding they will find something else. Make sure you have no tail or license plates lights out. Its a small town. Speed drops from 55 to 45 to 35 to 30MPH in a matter of a few hundred feet. If one cop pulls you over be assured the another will come to aid in the ticketing. Locals are aware and be advised to not pass. City is out in out part of the county. County cops don’t like to patrol much. They have given permission to local cops to patrol out side of the city limits by about 5 miles. So be away the city limits won’t help you much.

They have a car that they park at either end of town that has a dummy (an actual stuffed person-no reference intended towards the intelligence of the locals.)sitting in it. They think this will deter speeding but everyone in the area knows the car & just waves as they drive by.
#1Nov 11, 2010Report Abuse

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