State Highway D near State Highway Y

Cleveland, MissouriJun 16, 20040 Comments

In Cleveland, near the interesection of State Hway D and State Hway Y, if you are travelling south on Hway D the speed limit is 45mph. Once you pass the interesection of D and Y continuing south on D, the speed limit is still 45 for at least another mile, even though you think you’ve left the big city of Cleveland far behind and you’re back in the country travelling on a hway where the speed limit should be 55. It’s not, and there is a cop that will sit at this little auto dealership on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere waiting for you to come around the corner at 55 or 60. I got busted for doing 60 here. This is clearly a speed trap which brings Cleveland some much needed revenue.

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