State Route 10 near Drive In Movie

North Ridgeville, OhioAug 28, 20062 Comments

Basically Lorain road between the auto rama drive in, and lear nagle rd is all fair game. They like to sit at the drive in entrance,or at the motels on the south side of the road most of the time.

This is a real trap and lucrative for the city. The movie drive is to the west and the motels are to the east of a Ohio Turnpike I-80 Exit. The turnpike speed being 65 mph. people not paying attention hit the resume on their cruise control and without caution are 30 mph over the limit at the time they are in radars field. Bingo you're caught.
#1Jan 19, 2010Report Abuse
This is a a huge speed trap. Showed a courtesy card for going a few miles over 35 and the cop would not take. I tghought he was kidding, but my ticket was no joke:( I drive this was everyday to get on the turnpike to and from work. There is a cop in this location almost daily.
#2Oct 14, 2010Report Abuse

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