State Route 176 near 76 Turnpike

Morgantown, PennsylvaniaMay 03, 20051 Comments

Exiting off the PA Turnpike at Reading/Morgantown exit, going north on Expressway 176…You leave a 65MPH turnpike and go back on to 65MPH expressway. There is a stretch of road leaving the exit ramp, which is actually connected to the expressway, that is posted 35MPH. You would never expected this especially if you are unfamiliar with it. The local township police patrol it. This is probably the single most bogus abuse of power I have ever seen. There are no houses, building, exits, roads of any sort on this stretch of expressway…just a 35MPH trap.

First of all it's I-176 which is the only decently quick way in the area to get to Reading and points north and east and second when this dangerous, derelict, outdated, and flat out horrible roadway got redone and the turnpike section got rerouted this part got added in. Many people have been badly injured and killed by deer, stupid and reckless drivers through the years on both I-176 and the turnpike in this area. This road is still being worked on, repaved, rebuilt, and slightly rerouted even now and it is far better than even when I was in high school 15 years ago when it was a flat out death wish to drive on most times. This road is ancient and it shows in parts, it's all concrete and has huge potholes, tiny on ramps, and short, very curvy low speed exit ramps and goes up and down the mountain and twists and turns constantly. This road is well known locally as bad in all weather and all conditions, snow and rain make this road almost impossible to drive on. Sunny days are no different as there are very little forms of protections from the narrow shoulders and almost non existent median divider barriers. Face it, it's old, hastily designed, built poorly and underfunded and neglected from the start and just a victim of outdated thinking. Morgantown should never have gotten a turnpike exit, it's too small and too ill equipped even when the turnpike was built and even later when they built I-176, there is simply no reason for that exit as the surrounding infrastructure was obsolete then and even worse now all these years later. All of this was an after thought and an all around "who cares?" cavalier attitude. Rural, poor, non existent tax base and multiple large employers have left the area en masse taking employees, jobs, and hope away from this area. Despite the influx of people from Philly, these people merely sleep here, they spend their money in the much larger towns and cities they work and shop in. None of this helps locally, the only saving grace is Morgan and Singer and a couple other companies that have stood by this area and not given up and left. These companies have kept Morgantown and TriCounty as a whole alive, without them we would be in big trouble, the two industrial parks have played a huge role as well. I should know, my father built both of them in the mid '80s. Tourism dollars do not play a huge role in this area as people think, we truly do not see much of that money if at all. It mostly is a dog and pony show put on by the state and the tourist bureaus who are trying everything to inject money into an area that frankly doesn't have the tax base, population, enough major employers, or the needed young people to keep this area alive and thriving. The population here is old, not rich at all, and growing up here as a kid all you wanted to do was go to college far away and get out as fast as possible and as far away as possible. This area never ever recovered from the economic meltdown of the '70s and the factory and mine shutdowns of the mid '80s. The whole area has suffered quite a bit in many ways, and we continue to suffer even now in this period of tough times. Please understand why things are the way they are here, do not fault us locals or law enforcement, we are forced daily to deal with the stupid decisions of the past and the years of failed promises. As for the "trap", and I hate speed traps and will voice my thoughts on them easily, this doesn't really qualify as one honestly. It does get a lot of unknowing out of towners since this is also part of the section where you can exit to PA 10 and PA 23 which leads you to Amish country only a couple miles from this section. I admit it does seem a little sketchy and it has been going on for a while, gets people every time. It's like shooting fish in a barrel for Caernarvon Township PD. It's pretty much a given they'll be here, you just never know when and that's when you see that white with black stripe cruiser behind you. Ooops. They don't sit here all that often honestly but when they do, you best believe they are serious. They are tough for sure but they aren't heartless, they are polite but strict, they do a good job for a largely rural area. They have a lot of miles to cover and have a tough area to police. Be respectful, say yes sir no sir and you'll have a much easier time with things. Just a heads up from a local.
#1Jun 14, 2013Report Abuse

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