State Route 29A near State Route 30A

Gloversville, New YorkOct 26, 20072 Comments

Rt. 29A in front of the Glloversville City landfill gate. The speed limit entering the city goes from 55 mph to 35 mph. Usually NYS police sitting there.

I live on State Highway 29A at the exact point that the speed changes from 35 to 55. It is a speed trap and we love seeing the Fulton County Sheriff's Department and the NYS Police pulling speeders over and issuing tickets. We applaud them every time we see them. Sometimes it is a real risk to cross to our mailbox and back for the idiots that cannot read.
#1Mar 05, 2010Report Abuse
This road is also called the Turkey Farm Road, (although the turkey farm is gone). I have found that the police are generally fair; I had just moved to G'ville from Virginia and didn't see the speed reduction on my way back from Saratoga. He reminded me that there were three posted speed limit signs that I had missed, but was kind enough to only give me a warning. I do not now miss the speed zone .
#2Mar 15, 2010Report Abuse

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