State Route 78 near Castle Drive

Garland, TexasOct 01, 20071 Comments

78 Northbound heading towards Castle Drive, the speed changes from 40 to 50 mph. If you are not paying attention, they will hit you because they sit there at the transistion point between the two speeds and hit you for the 50 in the 40. Be very careful during that transition. Sames goes when you going southbound on 78 changing from 50 – 40. Once you go past Castle Drive, slow down or you will get pegged there.

I got one here March 29 , 2010. The speed limit changes from 50 to 40 and the sign is mixed in with a lot of other signs. I was doing 54 in a 40. This is a great site.
#1Apr 09, 2010Report Abuse

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