State Route 83 – Kelly Anne (Flower) Growers

North Ridgeville, OhioOct 03, 20131 Comments

VERY common to see the North Ridgeville Police sitting in the parking lot of the Kelly Anne Growers (a flower and gardening store), which is located on the EAST side of State Route 83, midway between Mills and Center Ridge (U.S. 20) Roads in North Ridgeville.
NOW, PLEASE NOTE: This is the TOP speed trap in North Ridgeville, owing to recent crashes and 1 recent fatality in this same area, so now the speed is NOW changed from 45 mph to 35 mph as soon as you head south on SR 83 into North Ridgeville. That’s right, folks: in Avon, it’s 45 mph, but on same road in entire North Ridgeville it’s 35 mph. BE WARNED! My DH saw numerous cars pulled over by NRPD radar-equipped cars, even at pre-dawn hours!! BE careful!!!

You are ridiculous. This is the TOP "speedtrap" in the city? Based on what? Haha. How is it a speedtrap when the speed limit is 35 for the whole length and it was dropped because of accidents and a fatality instead of just on a whim? You need to look up the definition of speedtrap.
#1Mar 03, 2014Report Abuse

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