State Route Highway 138 near State Route Highway 42

Stockbridge, GeorgiaDec 28, 20072 Comments

The police will sit in the skating rink parking lot and shoot radar. You don’t know they’re there until you come right up on them. Going west/north on 138 they’re on the right, sitting just behind the Starlight Skating Rink.

Since the skating rink added a gate near the entrance, this has been far less of a problem.
#1Apr 18, 2010Report Abuse
The speed limit here is 55 mph and the traffic usually flows at around 50 mph, so in my opinion you have to be asking for a ticket to get one here. It's about three blocks on toward the Stockbridge City Limits where the speed limit drops from 55 mph to 45 mph to 35 mph within just over one block where it is clearly a speed trap. They are serious about the 35 mph speed but their eagerness to enforce the 35 mph speed limit has been true about this stretch of road through "downtown" Stockbridge for at least fifteen years. Most of us have gotten the message, but if you're from out of town beware. Big brother is watching you.
#2Nov 05, 2010Report Abuse

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