Sun Valley

Hewitt, TexasSep 07, 20110 Comments

I found after being pulled over that this town is impossible to work with. Not only did it take them 2 of my 10 working days to even get my ticket into the system BUT the court employees are all reptiles, cold-blooded! They absolutely refuse to work with people from out of town and demand that all people with violations appear, in person, in court. As I explained to the when I called the 2nd working day after my ticket, that I was scheduled for major surgery on 8/29 and would not be leaving the hospital until 9/6, if everything goes well. My final day to contact the court is today 9/7. I asked to either take defensive driving or plead not guilty. They explained that I MUST appear in court (200 miles from my home) today or face a warrant for my arrest. I explained that I will not be released from medically to drive for 4 weeks! What did they expect me to do? "Well", she answered, "You should have gotten here sooner." What part of, I go out of the hospital yesterday, did you not understand????? IDIOTS!!! I’m hiring a attorney. It is worth 10Xs the ticket amount to me, not to pay these bozos.

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