Talty Texas I-20 between 492 and 493 E/B

Talty, TexasJun 22, 20140 Comments

Chief/Officer Part-time department! Squad cars are 1 marked Chevy Tahoe and 1 brand new marked Dodge Charger! Officers sit on top of the on ramp from Helms Trial to get on E/B I-20 “This is at least a 1/2 mile outside the city” but they shoot you from behind as you go under the overpass traveling E/B. Once again he does not sit in the city limits. You never see him because he is above and behind you as you pass him! If their out working, they will be sitting here! These guys think they are the Hi-way patrol! Him sitting outside the city limits when he clocks you might help you in court. Speed limit is 65mph the jumps up 10 miles down the road! Where the guy sits and hides makes this a true speed trap!

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