Telegraph Rd from Joy Rd to Puritain

Redford, MichiganApr 01, 20110 Comments

As noted eslewhere, the entire township of Redford is a speed trap. This note is for all those forced to use Telegraph as the detour due to the closing of Southfield Freeway. The entire length of Telegraph through Redford; Joy Rd to Puritan (5 1/2 Mile Rd), is continuously patrolled with radar.

Specific sites they like to sit:

– Just north of Plymouth Rd, in the 1st turn-around
– 1/2 mile north of Plymouth, in the turn-around just past the railroad viaduct
– Just south of the I-96 bridge, in the side-streets to the right
– Just north of the I-96 bridge, to left and right (in the turn arounds, and side streets)
– Just north of 5 Mile, to left and right (in the turn arounds, and side streets)

– Just south of 6 Mile, to left and right (in the turn arounds, and side streets)
– From 5 Mile to I-96, in the parking lots of the closed businesses on the west (right) side along this stretch
– Just south of the I-96 bridge, on the right as the local lane merges into the bridge lanes
– Just south of the I-96 bridge, at the turn around before the railroad viaduct
– North of Plymouth, in the turnarounds past the railroad viaduct, and in the closed businesses on the west (right) side
– South of Plymouth, to left and right (in the turn arounds, and side streets)

In the week that The Southfield has been closed, I have already seen a minimum of one car pulled over every morning and afternoon. Consider this fair warning.

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