The north side of Hamilton on Hwy 78

Hamilton, AlabamaMar 14, 20101 Comments

4-5 state police hiding on the on ramp. Speed limit dropped from 70-65 when we entered AL. Officer statef he used laser, but our Escort Passport with laser detection never beeped. Cruise was set on our new 2010 vehicle and officer stated we were going 2 mph more than we actually were, to bump up to a higher speeding ticket.

Question for all those who think this area is a "speed trap". Were you speeding? Did you not see the speed limit signs when leaving Mississippi and entering into Alabama? This is a wide open section of hiway. There's a problem in this country, everyone wants to blame their ignorance on someone else. Be a man (or woman) about it, put on your "big boy (or girl) pants" admit your mistake and try to pay attention to the road signs as they're there for a reason.
#1Nov 30, 2010Report Abuse

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