U.S. Highway 441

Tallulah Falls, GeorgiaJan 03, 20102 Comments

This is a one man dept which does not provide 24/7 police protection as required by GA law for operating speed detection devices. He sits way off the side of the Hwy. and gets you when you come down the steep hill/curve. He is legal there but just barely.

Been there...done that...got a ticket less that 2 minutes after school zone light came on. Ouch!
#1Feb 13, 2010Report Abuse
I was in Tallulah Falls this past weekend and the chief was out doing traffic enforcement. Once you hit that big hill comming into town (US 441), just ride your breaks on down to the bottom. If you look off to the right, you might see his white Expedition tucked back just out of plain view. Nice weekends are prime time for traffic enforcement in small towns with tourist type destinations. Just focus on watching your speed and not all the pretty sites around you and you should be just fine.
#2Mar 01, 2011Report Abuse

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