U.S. Route 19

Summersville, West VirginiaJun 01, 20010 Comments

Much notariety exists about the Summersville Speed Trap–"The speed trap capital of the world"! So, I was very much surprised to get ticketed there knowing full well the reputation this location has. It must have been a slow day for the Summersville police when I drove through because I received a ticket while observing the 50mph limit. The officer claimed I was traveling 62mph…just enough to get the $117.00 fine. This is not a speed trap, it is highway robbery…a throw back to medieval days when people were held hostage just for passing though and had to pay a toll. It is not enough to observe the speed limit in this town…doesn’t matter…you can still get ticketed. Next time I drive through, it will be at 40mph and I will have 4-way flashers on (in protest). I suggest that everyone who has been victimized by this speedtrap or wishes to protest do the very same thing when passing through.

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