US 278

Powder Springs, GeorgiaJul 30, 20020 Comments

It is very uncommon not to drive through Powder Springs and not seeing at least one Powder Springs cop running up and down 278. 278 is very wide open for the most part, therefore it is a road that is conductive to people driving 65-70 mph on some stretches. There is a blind curve between Brownsville Rd and Hwy 176 that they will occasionaly sit on, but typically they’re running moving radar. Most of the time they do run their radar on most of the time, so it is fairly easy to avoid with a good detector. My biggest complaint is actually the string of red lights they have set up, none of which are synchronized with each other. I’d suspect that the city is most interested in using them as traffic "calming" devices instead of simply regulating traffic in and out of the side streets. During the day, it is impossible to drive through there without hitting at least 2 lights in a row.

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