US-6 freeway just west of Exit 8 (Mile 73.7)

Yarmouth, MassachusettsMay 31, 20030 Comments

About half a mile west of Exit 8 on the Mid-Cape Freeway (US-6) is an underpass with median-service roads on either side of it. The median dirt roads are covered from view by trees (the only notice the road is there at all is the presence of the "No left turn" signs). Police love to hide there. Speed limit 55 yet US-6 is a comparatively rural freeway in this area. Most rural freeways in MA are limited at 65. 55 may be a reasonable limit westbound due to lack of a pulloff lane (westbound lanes were built in 1961), but in that area, the eastbound lanes (built in 1967) are constructed pracically to Interstate standards and could fool people into assuming limit 65.

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