US 65 from LA/ARK line to Lake Providence

Lake Providence, LouisianaSep 20, 20162 Comments

I travel through this location every couple of weeks from my home in Arkansas to the coast. I was stopped by a Louisiana trooper on one occasion and was cited for 71 in the posted 55 zone. Admittedly, I was traveling this speed at the time of the stop. The trooper was very cordial and said he very rarely stops vehicles traveling 65 mph. I found myself thanking him for his politeness. On a couple of occasions after this, I set my cruise speed on 65 miles per hour and was never stopped even when I observed a trooper. However, after passing a trooper on one occasion, I was stopped about 5 miles up the road and was cited by an East Carroll deputy for 70 in a 55! The deputy was obstinate and very condescending when I attempted an explanation about my cruise control. This smacks of corruption….

Yep, I got 2 in less than 15 minutes , one traveling south towards Lake Providence , admitted was speeding , the officer told us that there would be 2 more officers down the road . Noted : got into lake providence , watching speed very closely , was behind a vehicle with LA plates , you guess . Another officer , lighted me way before I ever even got to him , say about a block . The LA truck was going faster then we were , but not pulled be over, we are from Arkansas . . Last sign was saw said 35 , he said it was 25 and I was doing 39 . He was not very well kept , rude and quick to answer my questions without letting me finish them. Never in my life had a ticket and I am mid 50's . Feel like it was a set up . The first officer was a least polite about it . And told me the DA would send me a letter and for me to answer some questions online and it would not go on my driving record . Google Lake Providence LA speed trap and you will see this same thing .
#1Sep 20, 2016Report Abuse
Got a ticket on US 65 north. Had cruise control set on 67 but the East Carroll officer wrote the ticket for 70 in a 55. Stopped at the Arkansas welcome station just over the LA/Arkansas state line and the manager told me another person got a ticket 30 minutes before I stopped. He said La. writes a lot of tickets between Lake Providence and the state line of Arkansas. Made my last trip through that area!!!!
#2Apr 23, 2019Report Abuse

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