US Highway 10 near Park Avenue

Glyndon, MinnesotaMar 13, 20061 Comments

US Hwy 10 is 65 mph zone decreases to 30 mph zone for a small city "Glyndon". Heavily patroled and cops often ticket without the reduction of speed or given warnings. Source of revenue for the city.

after the speeding ticket I just got there ,it will be the only source of income that city will receive from me I refuse to buy anything in that town again .the cops have no leniency . I understand that no town would want cars flying through their town, however the city cops shouldn't be acting like military police. they could give a little bit of a break but like comment earlier, it's the cities source of revenue . if the business owners aren't willing to talk to the chief of police about the matter then I refuse to spend any money in their city, and the next town and profit f rom their loss .
#1Mar 15, 2013Report Abuse

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