US Highway 167

Maurice, LouisianaOct 09, 20082 Comments

Exiting Maurice heading North on Hwy 167 towards Lafayette, the road splits to a divided highway. Right in the center sits an officer. They will ticket for even only two miles over. (At the cop’s location, the speed limit is 45.)

Maurice is no longer a speed trap. The old guy that liked to write tickets retired several years ago. The two guys that do work there now don't write tickets for less than ten MPR over, unless you are driving wreckless.
#1Aug 26, 2011Report Abuse
There is not a speed trap in Maurice...... the signs are clearly marked if you choose to drive above the speed limit posted signs then its on you and trust me if you do 10 mph over you will be ticketed don't believe you wont get ticketed
#2Jul 24, 2013Report Abuse

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