US Highway 18 near The Water Tank

Zebulon, GeorgiaAug 04, 20070 Comments

If you are traveling into Zebulon from the east(Barnesville), you should remember to slow down before you get to the water tower. The speed limit drops from 55mph to 45mph QUICK…It will cost you out the ***. I was pregnant & was on my way back from Barnesville, when I stopped. Even after explaining why I was speeding(had to Pee) the officer just didn’t seem to care. All that was said is did I want to see the machine. At that point I really didn’t care about nothing but a toliet. My fine was $510.00 I went to court and explained it to the judge and it was dropped down to $210.00 and not put on my record. DON"T SPEED IN ZEBULON

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