US Highway 43 near Grove Hill Bypass

Grove Hill, AlabamaOct 30, 20071 Comments

The speed limit on the four lane by-pass around Grove Hill is 55 MPH. Well marked, however the 43 Four lane Hiway all the way to Jackson is 55 MPH and not well marked. The total distance with 55 MPH is approximately 20 miles. During a recent "crackdown" the police said "this stretch of road was Very fruitful.

The 15 miles from Grove Hill to Jackson used to be 65 mph limit. The stretch has no median (middle lane is a suicide lane). When the limit was 65 trucks/cars ran 75 mph with no turning lane. This created a serious threat when trying to turn across oncoming traffic into your driveway. I have seen numerous wrecks and numerous fatalities while the limit was 65. Now the limit is 55 and everyone runs 55 mph. I don't remember seeing a serious wreck since the speed limit was lowered. Thank God for the 55 mph limit. I feel safer for myself and my family.
#1Aug 02, 2010Report Abuse

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