US Highway 62/82 near city limits both ends Way

Lorenzo, TexasJan 14, 20084 Comments

no tolerance, anything over posted speed is inforced

This town is definitely a speed trap. The officer are told to write at least 5 tickets a day and 10 on the weekend days. They set up in the morning on US 62/82 by the Allsups and hit traffic coming both ways. They will write for anything over the tolerance. Also they will take you to jail if you can't pay your ticket right then and there if you don't have your driver's license on you, even though they can have their dispatcher look it up on computer. They aren't much interested in anything but traffic citations and the occasional DWI. The Chief is a retired DPS trooper and the officers are rookies, so they go along with the ticket writing mandate.
#1Jul 11, 2010Report Abuse
This is a pitiful little town that is poor and looking to make some money. Watch out. Speed limit is 50 and turns to 60 a little ways out of town. If you are going 51 before you Pass the 60 sign they will write you up for $150. Hope they give a cut to the cops because there's no crime here only a greedy little city hall looking to make money on people even if they are not driving unsafely or speeding.
#2Sep 16, 2010Report Abuse
Lorenzo Tiny Town Texas: This is a blatant attempt to make money. If you have the chance bypass this hole in the road and never spend any money. Cop is waiting for you at Allsups after donuts and coffee in the morning and on days when Texas Tech plays football.
#3Sep 20, 2010Report Abuse
Oh yeah, this dump is a speed trap, and the cop mentioned above in post #1 is an a-hole. My sister was pulled over as she was properly slowing down to the speed limit outside of town (going Eastbound) and got popped. He claimed he got her before she hit the curve, but that's BS b/c from his roost by the Allsup's can't see around the building that's almost in the road. He's probably more upset that the old DQ was torn down and he can bee seen better.
#4Feb 24, 2011Report Abuse

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