US Highway 83

La Joya, TexasJun 22, 20042 Comments

From the town of Penitas to La joya on expressway 83 and then from La Joya to Sullivan City where the speed limit is only 55 mph and there ar only 2 speed limit signs in a 11 miles of road. Lots of hiding places for DPS and they seem to travel in”wolf packs”” “

Anyone living in the Rio Grande Valley will tell you that La Joya is an infamous speed trap. If you are going to Laredo from the Valley it is more advisable to go North on 281 to Falfurrias and then bear West through Hebronville. Don't let La Joya prey on you.
#1Mar 29, 2010Report Abuse
I'm from LaJoya but moved away over 40 yrs. it's always been known as speed trap town but I don't think it is. The speed limit signs are very clear and if you just follow the speed limit you can't get a ticket, right. If you know it enforces the 30 miles in town speed limit then follow it. I've been driving for 45 yrs. I've had 1 ticket and that was 8 yrs ago. I've visit LaJoya periodically and I never see the cops except this last time and it's due to the illegals. It was the DPS everywhere.
#2Sep 02, 2014Report Abuse

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