US Highway 95

Grangeville, IdahoApr 18, 20061 Comments

When coming through Grangeville the speed limit drops to 35 mph for about 1/4 mile and is patrolled very often. Officers are usually hidden out of sight.

This area has a problem There is a single County Sheriff that is paid soley by a grant from the state all he does is traffic, I have a scanner and have timed him at a stop every 3 minutes 50 to 100 tickets a day. He moves around and I Never notice other officers pulling people over in any area to the frequency of this particular officer which leads me to believe that the stops have no basis in safety or hazardous drivers.In fact Pulling that many people over has to be a hazard in it's self. I would like to know more about these grants and the reason for these stops can't believe these are all speeders so there may be some constitutional bashing going on. Thanks and Beware!!
#1Mar 21, 2010Report Abuse

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