US Highway Route 334 over pass near US Highway Route 68 North

Springfield, OhioFeb 13, 20082 Comments

German Township officer sits on Route 334 overpass getting speeders going South on 68 into Springfield.

There are only a couple of miles of US 68 in German Township and even those two miles are on the very edge of the township, not at all deserving of the "enforcement" that it receives from the volunteer and part-time police. It has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with making money.
#1Sep 15, 2010Report Abuse
Everyone says that it has to do with money. Has anyone looked into how much a township or City gets from a traffic citation? How many different organizations get a "cut of the pie"? I think that you would be shocked at how that all works. A lot of your Courts will have it posted in the Clerks office, check it out. I have the perfect defense for a speeding ticket, don't do it.
#2Jun 23, 2011Report Abuse

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