Utica Road near Dobry Road

Utica, MichiganOct 08, 20071 Comments

Utica has a nice trap set up on the stretch of Utica Rd between Dobry and 19-1/2 Mile Rd. The 25 MPH limit is strictly enforced and is compounded by the fact there is a school in this stretch. My wife received a 4 point ticket for speeding in a school zone. It is so bad that a factory on this stretch has a huge sign facing Utica stating "Speed Limit Strictly Enforced". The police hide on side streets, school parking lot, factory lot, and the K of C lot.

The stretch of Utica between VanDyke and 19-1/2 Mile is in Sterling Heights where the limit is 40mph so those heading NB need to watch when the limit changes to 25.

School, church, heavy residential area, not to mention on or near this stretch of Utica the road does some funky lane shifting and there's a stop sign near the church/school that a lot of people miss. The main parking lot for the church is right across the street from the church. This isn't a speed trap, it's called ensuring safety for the numerous kids and people who have to cross that road everyday to get to the church/school. It's called slow the f' down and show some respect instead of worrying about me me me. Better yet, stick to the main roads that are posted at 40-50mph instead of trying to use the road as a "quick" cutoff.
#1Mar 24, 2011Report Abuse

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