Vanowen St. Between Buena Vista and Hollywood Way

Burbank, CaliforniaFeb 26, 20032 Comments

Motorcycle officer parks at the curve and just points radar to on-comming traffic. Speed limit is 45 at that zone and many drivers dive up to 45 to 50 in that zone.

The previous comment gave you some bad info. The speed limit on Vanowen between Buena Vista and Hollywood Way is 40 mph. In fact, there is no stretch of road in Burbank greater than 40 (other than the I5 fwy). This is not a trap either. Check the California Vehicle Code and read the definition of a speed trap. They're illegal and cities pay very big fines if they run one. Try to remember, Burbank is strict... but not stupid. When in town, slow down!!
#1Apr 06, 2010Report Abuse
Some further updated info about the motor cops in Burbank. They don't use radar (wish they did). Radar operates on microwave technology and is possible to beat in court. Unfortunately for me (and you), Laser or Lidar is a light beam that is only 3 ft wide at 1000 feet so there isn't much of a chance that the motor cop missed you and hit another car! Trust me, they see you way before you see them.
#2Apr 06, 2010Report Abuse

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