West College Avenue near Sparks Street

State College, PennsylvaniaAug 09, 20071 Comments

Most often used as a pre-planned, multi-car trap; State College Borough police; Marked and unmarked cars; Vascar from side-street. Stops often made in ‘Houtz’ parking lot; This trap is Only run in Westbound direction- street (College Ave) is 1 way here, with 25 mph restriction. Often a catipillar trap is used (a 2nd trap .5 miles beyond the 1st). In Past, Laser and ESP cables have been used also.

If you are doing lets say 40 and the posted speed is 25, and you get nailed by whatever - ESP cables,Laser. HOW is that a trap? Lets grow up people.
#1Apr 08, 2012Report Abuse

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