Westville Ave & Jackson Pl

Caldwell, New JerseyNov 25, 20081 Comments

As you are traveling from Passaic Ave and are just about to come upon the curve to the Prospect Hill Cemetery on the left, the police sit tucked in the cemetery up the hill a bit by the dumpster. You just can’t see them from that angle. Coming the other way on Westville, make sure you do the speed limit because you just about see the police sitting in their spot, but it can be too late.

I've seen them hiding on Westville before but never seen anyone pulled. As long as you are driving a luxury car the Caldwell cops don't bother you much. They tend to concentrate mainly on ratty looking vehicles and suspicious looking people. I guess you could call it profiling but it seems to work just fine.
#1Jan 28, 2010Report Abuse

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