Where Hwy 102 meets Bayers Road.

Halifax, Nova ScotiaApr 24, 20032 Comments

Hwy turns from 100km/h to 70 and suddenly 50 going down hill. Most people dont slow down. Cops sit in a one way side street that meets Bayers Rd. As soon as you come over the peak they have you.

Yes, this is a dandy! Often set up during the 'rush hour' they take particular delight in nailing people who are late for work due to the many construction delays on the 102. As noted, virtually everyone exceeds the limit here trying to 'make the light' or pass a bus.
#1Oct 29, 2010Report Abuse
This one is very clearly a "trap". There's no safety aspect etc. It's a pathetic cash grab by the police that relies on poor speed limits and bad road design.
#2Jan 01, 2011Report Abuse

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