Within the boundaries of Lone Jack on 50 Hwy

Lone Jack, MissouriMar 14, 20100 Comments

I have personal experience of meeting Lone Jack’s finest. Although the speed limit through the non-existent town (a couple of buildings and a cross road) is 65mph, I had the cruise set at 69 and was traveling along with a bunch of other cars (about 8) and at least, two of them passed me. I saw the police officer hiding in the trees between the divided highway and was undecided as to whether I should turn off the cruise or not. I did turn it off and was slowing but in the middle of the pack. As I passed the police car, I noticed that she (police officer) pulled out into the lane behind a couple of other cars behind me. She turned the lights on and cars began slowing and pulling over but she passed each of them until she got to me. I pulled over and she walked up to my open window and said "clocked you at 78 in a 65". I had 3 other passengers in the car and all knew I was not going 78. I appeared at the evening traffic court in a small building (about the size of a garage) and paid a lawyer to have the ticket exchanged for a "defective equipment" charge. Since then I have heard from a number of people that Lone Jack is a known speed trap and even made national recognition for that accomplishment. Although I was speeding (about 4mph over), apparently they will make up the speed so you can never be safe traveling through that town or at least don’t have non-Missouri license plates.

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