Woodville, Ohio on U.S. Rte. 20

Woodville, OhioMay 20, 20033 Comments

Speed limits vary in the area from 55 to 25 mph. Expect enforcement in all areas. Enforcement is, shall we say, overzealous.

This is one of the most notorious speedtraps in NW Ohio. And they're proud of it! At the east end of this little hamlet is a restaurant called. . . what else? The Speed Trap, complete with a full-size, vintage police car on the roof. It's what you might call a cherished cultlike speedtrap.
#1Feb 27, 2010Report Abuse
The local law enforcement likes to park/hide in the Subway parking lot across the street from the Marathon station at the East end of Woodville. They can be found there usually when Subway is closed.
#2Jan 18, 2011Report Abuse
Woodville has TWO schools located on Main St. Children have been hit in the school zone over the years. Woodville tickets an average of 3 to 4 motorists a day for speeding. Hardly a number that warrants the reputation, but it only helps in keeping the speed down.
#3Jan 11, 2014Report Abuse

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