Worthington-Galena Road near Schrock Road

Worthington, OhioJul 29, 20072 Comments

The Worthington cops love Worthington-Galena Rd, they are usually set up in one of three places: In front of the Christian high school on the side of the road, behind the big bushes in the rear of the fire station (coming down the hill), or even in sometimes in someone’s driveway.

This was a very odd stop. The officer added a lecture about the good town of Worthington and insisted that I provide my phone number to him [I am arguably an attractive female human]. He lectured that I was driving a 3500 pound vehicle which could kill. Mind you, there was zero traffic on the road and no children outside of the nearby school--they were inside for class. The speed of the adjacent road is 45 and there are no evident signs to indicate either school zone nor reduced speed limits, ahead. He was very pleased with himself and his town which, considering he was lying in wait in typical predatory, speed-trap style, was laying it on a bit thick, if you ask me.
#1Mar 24, 2013Report Abuse
#1, explain again why you were speeding on a residential road in front of a school? Speed limits on residential streets is 25mph statewide unless posted otherwise. What adjacent road are you talking about with 45mph limit? There isn't one; not that the speed limit on another road has anything to do with Worthington-Galena Road.
#2Mar 19, 2014Report Abuse

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