Zinfandel Road near Folsom Boulevard

Rancho Cordova, CaliforniaFeb 13, 20080 Comments

Motorcycle police sits at the Rancho Lodge and waits for speeders to crossing over the lightrail crossing guards lights when railroad crossing lights are flashing/activated. The speed limit is 15 mph within 100 feet of a railroad crossing where you cannot see the tracks for 400 feet in both directions. From CA DMV: You may drive faster than 15 mph if the crossing is controlled by gates, a warning signal, or a flagman.
Remember that flashing red lights mean STOP! Stop at least 15 feet from the nearest track when the crossing devices are active or a person warns you a train is coming. Stop if you see a train coming or you hear the whistle, horn, or bell of an approaching train.
Do not go around or under lowered crossing gates, even if you do not see a train. Wait for the gates to rise. If the gates are not working correctly, call the railroad emergency number posted near the crossing or notify the local police or California Highway Patrol.

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