Brentwood, Tennessee Speed Traps
Old Smyrna Rd (Between Edmundson & Wilson Pike)
Its a small road many will use to get around the Brentwood’s traffic; it’s also a pretty dive, surrounded by plenty of trees, huge homes, farms, and estates on both sides; as you’re headed west on this road you’ll approach a mini stone wall to your right; this will be your warning to SLOW DOWN (that and the speed bumps)! A Brentwood police car will nest itself in the entrance to this estate’s driveway; they’ll be nicely hidden behind the shrubbery and the stone wall.
Edmondson Pike off Concord Rd
All of Edmondson Pike is 40mph with the exception of a steep incline where the speed drops to 35mph and then returns to 40mph as you approach a curve. There are at least 3 40mph signs posted and only one 35mph where the Brentwood police sit hidden behind a subdivision sign.
The whole city of Brentwood
If you are in the city limits, I recommend going the speed limit 110% of the time. The cops are the biggest jerks, and will pull you over for anything. The have the trickiest hiding spots, where once you see them, it is too late. Plus the traffic judge is a jerk, and if you’re under 21, it is at least a 3 week punishment plus 8 hour defensive driving class.
Vaughn Road at Old Hickory Blvd
Motorcycle cops sit in the entrance to the Warner Park dog park on Vaughn Rd. The problem is, the speed limit is 40mph on the Williamson County side of the road and 30mph on the Davidson side, so drivers are confused.
Holt Road and Redmond Lane
Metro will sit at the bottom of Redmond lane when you come down the hill headed to Hold Road you can’t see the cops, but they are sitting at the bottom of the hill on the left side of the road.