Gatlinburg, Tennessee Speed Traps
US Highway 321 near Hidden Hills Road
This stretch of US Highway 321 from Glades Road to Buckhorn Road was recently four laned and has very few roads or driveways that connect to it, yet the speed limit is 35mph. The Police Department has recently brought back motorcycle enforcement with hand-held radar and the cars have moving and stationary radar with front and rear capability. The cops generally will not even blink for less than 15 over. Slow down in the evenings and around school hours. $100 fine
The entire town
Gatlinburg is a tourist town. Once you are within the city limits, you are under constant surveillance, especially if you have out of state plates. You don’t want to go to court to fight a traffic ticket in Gatlinburg either. The judge is severely unfair. I guess he must collect on lots of speeding tickets to pay the multitude of officers that patrol the tourist areas of Gatlinburg.