Jasper, Tennessee Speed Traps

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Several locations in Jasper, TN

Jasper, TennesseeJan 05, 20220 Comments

1. Hwy 41 extension on the west side of Jasper TN in dead-end pull off on side of the road.
2. Under the Hwy. 28 overpass on Hwy 41 in downtown Jasper TN.
3. Parking lot for Church of Christ on Gamble Street in Jasper TN.
4. On Hwy.41 in-front of Marion County Health Department.
5. On Hwy 41 east of Jasper TN in parking lot across from Marion County Park entrance.
6. On Hwy 28 between Jasper TN and Parkridge West Hospital.
7. In parking lot of McKendree Church at intersection of Hwy 41 and Betsy Pack Drive.

Interstate 24 near top of mount eagle mtn.

Jasper, TennesseeOct 29, 20040 Comments

As you are travling east or west on I-24. The police officers are backing up into alleys that have been built into the woods.This of course is nothing new. What makes spotting these officers difficult is going up and down Mount Eagle moutain. They are pulled back so far you have no chance of ever noticing the cops.And before you know it they have you pulled over.

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