Mount Juliet, Tennessee Speed Traps
Lebanon Rd, east of North Green Hills
Police sit in the shopping center, at the bottom of the hill, hidden by the bank. This is right where the speed limit changes from 45 mph to 40. I see them there almost every morning at 10. I often see them pull over people at Scarlett’s Tea Room, or Moss’s Nursery.
Be careful anywhere in Mt. Juliet
There may be some decent people in the Mt Juliet PD and city hall but as of this date I haven’t met any. The cops do just what they want regardless of what the law says. I haven’t been ticketed but have been watching how they operate. I have been passed by a Mt Juliet cop doing about 70 mph in the turn lane using NO emergency equipment. I saw a Mt Juliet cop cut across from the median lane from a traffic signal directly in front of a car cutting them off just to give a ticket to someone that had barely run the light. He choose to do it that way instead of doing it safely. I thought that this was one of the most arrogant and unnecessary and dangerous things that I had ever seen. So I stopped so that I could mention this to him and he put his hand on his gun…Why you may ask…they said it was because I was walking aggressively. I left immediately to tell their chief. The PD & City Hall are in CYA mode. I thought that I was just walking. Point being is that these people don’t care about right or wrong they just want your money anyway they can get it. There are several more incidents but this is getting a little long.
Nonaville Road
Anywhere on the strip of road from Lebanon Road to Saundersville Road. Police sit in hiding or just ride the road.
all of mount juliet
this is an other than speed trap enforcement message.
mount juliet is becoming known for another revenue enhancing ticketing procedure.
dont travel here with a burned out light on your car. i work at an auto parts place and folks are coming through here in a constant stream where they have been ticketed for that. usually no "warning" just an immediate ticket.
North Mt Juliet Rd and Lebanon Rd
Mt juliet has put up a camera !!!! Beware lots of people getting tickets, also another one located at Wilson Bank and trust and Rainbow Plaza.