Mount Juliet, Tennessee Speed Traps
Pleasant Grove Road near Mount Juliet Road
They lowered the speed limit from 45 to 35 a couple of years ago. They did this just to create a speed trap. There is no other reason for the 35 mile speed limit there. Where they catch people is nothing but farm land, and now the new Walmart development. I wish they would spend some of the money they have made on a traffic light at the end of Pleasant Grove Road at Mt. Juliet Road. There have been dozens of wrecks there. Instead of harassing the people coming home from work or school, they should be helping cars in and out of that intersection. You risk your life when you pull in or out there.
Central Pike Road near Mt Juliet Rd Road
The city of Mt Juliet annexed parts of Central Pike at the I40 overpass. They lowered the speed limit heading toward Hermitage and sit behind a blind curve in a private drive where the speed limit sign is not visible until you are in the curve and its too late.
Saundersville Road near close to the lake and across the lake
police just sit and wait until you cross over the hill, you better stay the speed limit because they will get you. They usually miss the ones who are speeding and passing on a double line, but, if you go over 30 or 35 they got you.
Providence Shopping Ctr Crossing near Mt. Juliet Road
Mt. Juliet police LOVE to bust people in Providence. I had just pulled out and somehow I was going 15 mph over… My husband has also gotten ticketed in Providence as well as several others I know
Providence Boulevard near South Mt. Juliet Road
All of providence market place and providence residential area. Police officers heavily patrol this area and hide behid landscape buffers.