Vonore, Tennessee Speed Traps
Hwy. 411 north at the county line of monroe and Loudon co.
Loudon co. police sit at the old bank build just inside of loudon co. on the north bound lane and run radar in a 55 mph zone. The speed does reduce in loudon and it is posted but they sit south of the posted reduction sign shooting radar back toward Monroe country and then write citiations as if the speeder is already in a 50 mph zone. i.e. your traveling 65 in a 55 and they radar you and then before you even get to the 50 mph zone they have you pulled over and they write a ticket for traveling 65 in a 50 mph zone. they do this both day and night and at night they sit in the dark with no running lights on.
US Highway 411 near State Highway 72
Vonore Police ride between Highway 72 and Highway 360 running mobile Radar and stop every vehicle that is going faster than the speed limit.
Highway US-411
Police are usually well hidden at the city limits signs at night with both portable and vehicle mounted K and/or Ka band radar. At least three cars, one unmarked, young aggressve officers, wide four lane with center turn lane through town 45 mph posted, 25 mph school zone in morning and afternoon.