Allen, Texas Speed Traps

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Mc Dermoth Road near Custer Road

Allen, TexasFeb 19, 20040 Comments

On McDermoth between Custer and 75 (both east and west bound) Allen police is waiting for you. I have seen them mainly during late evening hours about 6-9pm

Exchange Parkway near Interstate 75

Allen, TexasFeb 18, 20041 Comments

Traveling West bound on Exchange Parkway, past I75. You come up over a hill and they are waiting for you. I have not seen them waiting, only that they have already pulled someone over.

McDermott Road near Custer

Allen, TexasDec 12, 20030 Comments

On McDermott between Custer and Alma, there are always officers hiding in the brush and I’ve eve seen them on private driveways clocking people! I would have to say they are there at least twice a week, the exact location varries slightly, but keep watch in this area.

Short Street between Country Lane and Timberbend

Allen, TexasAug 17, 20030 Comments

Cops sit between Timberbend Trail and Country Lane. Because the street is long and straight, they can tag you at VERY long distances! They tagged me at approx. 2000ft! It is a big trap! The street is rated at 30mph, but it should be rated at 60mph or more. Call the Mayor and demand the speed limit be raised!

Hedgecoxe going westbound between Alma and Custer

Allen, TexasApr 21, 20030 Comments

Speed along Hedgecoxe drops from 40mph to 35mph.

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